
Whether you are called up for a first or a new OPEX, make sure you are well informed. After having obtained information about the duration, the weather, the vegetation, the culture from the army or from your colleagues. You can focus your attention on the checklist opex to take to complete your mission.

What should you wear?

When it comes to clothing, you can easily include sports gear, clothes, shoes and caps in your opex checklist. Think of civilian clothes that will help you blend in.

There's also your swimming costume, which you'll need if the context calls for it, and your sandals. You'll also need fatigues, a tactical belt, tactical gloves, a UBAS shirt, a softshell jacket and a pair of rangers. Of course, none of these items can be included in your opex checklist, nor are your underwear and socks.

How can you ensure a good night's sleep?

Your sleeping equipment should be carefully put together. Start with a sleeping bag, sheets, an inflatable pillow, a liner poncho, a ground sheet or inflatable mattress, patch glue and a hammock. A mosquito net should also be on your opex checklist to protect you from bugs. Finally, a good night's sleep also means a good morning, so think about your toiletry kit. This will include soap, shampoo, toothpaste, two toothbrushes, a razor, deodorant, sun cream and a mirror.

What weapons and combat gear should be on your opex checklist?

Even though the mission is out of the country, you can't get rid of equipment like the tactical waistcoat or the ballistic mask in your opex checklist. Take a magazine holder, a holster to hold your glock 17 pistol and all the accessories for your HK416. But also knee pads, elbow pads, goggles and hearing protection.

What documents do you need to have with you?

The administrative material for your opex checklist includes your opex file, office supplies such as pen, paper, envelopes, stamps, markers, chargers, batteries and an extension cord. Make sure you can identify yourself by your passportYou should also bring your military ID, photos, certificates or customs declarations. For all intents and purposes, don't hesitate to bring your laptop or a tablet and a hard drive or USB key. A wallet can help you keep your cash.

What other accessories are useful for your opex checklist?

For your hygiene, Marseille soap, tissues, toilet paper and a terry towel. The laundry bag, pins, string, washing powder and a soft basin for your clothes. In your opex checklist, think about a torch, an alarm clock as well as your telephone, a water bag or flask and a folding wardrobe.

In addition, include in your opex checklist a pocket knife, canteen, headlamp, camouflage cream and a weapon maintenance kit. Anticipate possible health concerns with a mini pharmacy and a blood group identifier.

It is possible that this opex checklist does not correspond exactly to your mission, so the list is not exhaustive. Even if it gives you an overview, you may want to add or subtract items according to your expectations.

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