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Summer is synonymous with bright days, tempting beaches and outdoor adventures. But to make the most of it, there's one key question: when to book your summer holiday? Booking at the right time can make the difference between a dream holiday and a disappointing experience. In this article, we explore the best times to book your summer holiday, whether you're camping, staying in a hotel or renting from one person to another.

Campsite - When to book?

Why choose a campsite?

Camping is a unique holiday experience that appeals to many travellers because of its close proximity to nature, offering the ideal setting for peaceful beaches, lush forests or majestic mountains. It is characterised by its freedom and flexibility, allowing campers to choose their pitch, cook in the open air and live life at their own pace. Visit campsites offer a variety of activities to suit all ages, including hikes, campfire evenings, water sports and children's workshops, while fostering a friendly, communal atmosphere. What's more, they are accessible to all budgets, offering options ranging from simple tent pitches to fully equipped bungalows.

Best time to book

Booking early is essential to get the best out of camping, and here's why:

  • Choice of location : The first bookers often have the choice of the best pitches - close to the beach, with a breathtaking view, or in quieter areas of the campsite.
  • Best rates : Booking early, especially from January to March, often gives you better rates. Prices can rise as the summer approaches. high season.
  • Availability of Services : The most popular campsites fill up quickly, especially for special services such as pitches with electricity, chalets or camper van areas.
  • Business Planning An early booking gives you more time to plan your activities, be they hikes, excursions or activities organised by the campsite.
  • Avoiding Last-Minute Disappointments Late bookings can often lead to compromises on the pitch or even the unavailability of the desired campsite.

All in all, choosing a campsite for your summer holiday offers an enriching experience in touch with nature. And to make the most of it, booking early is key. Not only does this give you a better choice and better prices, it also gives you peace of mind, knowing that your ideal holiday destination is secure. To make all this easier, there are offer comparators that allow you to check availability in real time hundreds of holiday offers.

Hotel - Booking advice

Advantages of a Hotel Stay

A hotel stay is often the preferred option for summer holidays, offering a high level of comfort and convenience with well-equipped rooms, full services such as daily cleaning, on-site catering, and a regular 24-hour reception. Many hotels offer all-inclusive packages, including meals, drinks and activities, making it easier to plan your stay. Hotels also offer leisure facilities such as swimming pools, spas, fitness centres and children's entertainment to give you the best possible experience.

Reservation strategies

Booking a hotel requires strategic planning to ensure that you get the best rates and the best rooms, especially in the most attractive areas. destinations popular :

  • Advance booking Hotel reservation: It is advisable to book your hotel around four to six months before your departure. This is particularly important for popular destinations where demand is high.
  • Watch for Special Offers Keep an eye out for promotions and special offers throughout the year. This could include discounts, free upgrades or additional benefits.
  • Last-minute cancellations Although more risky, keeping an eye out for last-minute cancellations can sometimes enable you to take advantage of exceptional offers, especially if your travel dates are flexible.

In short, choosing a hotel for your summer holiday offers comfort, convenience and a host of services, while simplifying your travel experience. By planning and booking in advance, you can ensure you get the best deals available and enjoy your stay to the full.

Book your summer holiday in a hotel

Private hire

The Attractiveness of Special Rentals

Holiday rentals, such as flats, houses or villas, offer a unique and personalised experience for travellers. One of the main attractions of this type of accommodation is the flexibility and comfort it provides, similar to that of your own home. These rentals allow total immersion in local life, offering a unique opportunity to live like a resident and not just a tourist.

Booking tips

When it comes to booking a holiday rental, planning is essential, especially for popular destinations or during special events such as festivals. As a general rule, it is advisable to book between three and five months in advance to ensure availability and get a better rate. For highly popular destinations during the high season or during major local events, it's wise to book even further in advance. It's also important to research the rental thoroughly, reading reviews from previous visitors and checking the location to make sure it meets your needs and expectations. Many online booking sites offer detailed photos, full descriptions and guest ratings, making it easier to make a decision. Doing your due diligence when booking can help avoid unpleasant surprises and ensure your stay is as comfortable and enjoyable as possible.

Factors to consider when booking your summer holidays

  • Time of year :
    • High season (July-August) : Requires much earlier planning and booking to guarantee availability.
    • Low Season : Offers greater flexibility and last-minute options.
  • Impact of the Destination :
    • Popular destinations : Places like the Côte d'Azur in France or the Balearic Islands in Spain require you to book well in advance.
    • Less Competition in Lesser-Known Destinations : Allows greater flexibility and potentially attractive offers.

Practical advice for booking

Using Tools and Applications

To optimise your search, we advise you to use online comparators and apps. These offer an overview of prices and availability in real time.

Alerts and Newsletter

Sign up for newsletters and price alerts from the various holiday rental websites. This will enable you to be among the first to know about the best offers as soon as they appear.


So booking a summer holiday requires careful planning. Whether you opt for a campsite, hotel or private rental, each choice has its own specificities, advantages and disadvantages. Anticipation is often the key, but for the more daring, last-minute bookings can also be advantageous.

Summer is a magical time, and with a well-prepared booking, it can be unforgettable. So don't wait any longer, start planning your summer holiday now!


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