
My travel list : The site for serene travel

The Massif du Sancy, in the heart of the Auvergne region, is a veritable jewel that we nature lovers hold particularly dear. With its majestic peaks culminating at 1,885 metres, its lush green valleys and breathtaking panoramas, and no fewer than 670 km of waymarked trails, this region offers a multitude of routes for all levels. It's a place we're particularly fond of, whether for a day's walk or a multi-day trek. In this article, we take you on a tour of the best walks in the region. hiking in the Puy-de-DômeBy sharing our experiences and a few tips on how to make the most of your stay.

Top 5 Must-See Walks in the Massif du Sancy

1. Puy de Sancy

This is the emblematic hike of the Massif. Reaching the summit of Puy de Sancy is an experience we've all found unforgettable. The 360° panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and valleys below is simply breathtaking. We recommend starting early in the morning to avoid the crowds and enjoy the sunrise. Don't forget your camera to capture this magical moment!

2. Grande Cascade - Mont-Dore

If, like us, you are sensitive to the gentle murmur of water, this is the walk for you. The Grande Cascade is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the region, standing 30 metres high. The trail is well signposted and family-friendly, with picnic areas along the way. In summer, you can even cool off in the small natural pools at the base of the waterfall.

3. Fontaine Salée circus

A real haven of peace. The Cirque de la Fontaine Salée is a geological wonder with unique rock formations and salt springs. It's also an excellent place to observe the wildlife marmots basking in the sun. If you're lucky, you might even spot a chamois or two!

4. Croix-Morand and Puy Chambon

Ideal in winter, this snowshoe hike offers snow-covered landscapes as far as the eye can see. The silence of the snow-covered mountain is soothing, and the sensation of walking on a carpet of fresh snow is incomparable. Don't forget to stop for a snowman or a family snowball fight!

5. Lake Pavin at Puy de Montchal

A gentler hike, but just as rewarding. Lac Pavin is a crystal-clear crater lake surrounded by dense forests. It's an ideal spot for a waterside picnic, or a relaxing fishing session. In summer, the lake is also great for swimming, with refreshing waters to invigorate you after your walk.

Puy de Dôme - Sancy Massif
Tips for a successful hike

  • Recommended equipment A good pair of hiking boots is essential. Don't forget sun cream, a hat and plenty of water. If you're planning to camp, make sure you have the right equipment for the weather conditions and that you comply with the laws in force in the area where you'll be camping.
  • Best seasons for hiking The spring and autumn are ideal for avoiding the summer heat and crowds. Winter offers magnificent snow-covered landscapes, but requires extra preparation.
  • Safety advice : Always inform someone of your itinerary and check the weather forecast before you leave. If you're not sure which way to go, don't hesitate to ask the locals or other hikers.

Secret walks in the Sancy

As well as the popular trails, the Sancy is full of hidden gems. If you're looking for tranquillity, explore the less-frequented trails such as the "Sentier des Chamois" or the "Vallée des Saints". You'll be amazed by the wonders you'll discover, away from the crowds and in perfect harmony with nature.


The Massif du Sancy is a hiker's paradise. Each trail offers a unique experience and unforgettable memories. So what are you waiting for? Put on your hiking boots and set off to discover this magnificent region with us! And remember, the journey is as important as the destination.


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